

My last post marks the beginning of my job search. This was the job search in which I spent every waking minute applying, calling, interviewing, re-interviewing, flying & driving to San Francisco. And I hadn't been fired or even laid off, I chose to leave. I had to leave the demoralizing corporate world and the sweltering suburbs of LA. And now I am living in the small, charismatic town of Berkeley. I walk to my non-profit job each day & I don't drive a car. I walk the residential streets any chance I get to pick up people's discarded dressers & chairs, just for a new project. The Berkelinos (maybe it'll work?) have taken recycling to a whole new level; I find that nothing is considered trash here, instead there is a person with a use for every insignificant thing.
Inspiration is on every corner.


  1. Welcome back to the blogosphere.

  2. Keep looking and finding... It's a wonderful time for you to be creating beauty from the discards of life.

  3. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  4. Back in the game? That was like eight months ago. haha.

  5. Please come back... we miss your writing!!! :D
