Their civility is evident in the way they hesitate thoughtfully at the line of trash cans in any eatery. The way they take the extra moment to ensure that the paper, plastic, compost, glass, etc. is properly sorted. They have an unspoken understanding of the impact of this small gesture.
Their kindness is in this beautiful box of apples left for hungry passersby with "take-away" bags nailed to the fence above for easy transport. A cardboard sign indicates the variety (Anders) and welcomes anyone tall enough to reach to help themselves to more.
It is hard to believe that I've lived for over a year now in Berkeley. That I've walked to my office in the picturesque little 1900's home each day for 18 months.
But I can feel a change. I am certain that this year 2011 will bring some changes: a move, a job, a less-cluttered existence. Brilliant.
City and Colour: The Girl
Beautiful post Ms. Kim! Glad to see that you are back to blogging. I look forward to reading more of your "life snippets" throughout the coming months. I'm your biggest fan!!! Love love love the photo!