
Urb& Goal #1

So as things go, that was then and now is now. 
I am no longer living in a studio in Paris, I am living in the suburbs of LA with my family. I am no longer passing the world's finest boulangeries while strolling to class, instead I am cursing the LA traffic while guzzling a Starbucks Americano. 
A world of commerce & capitalism surrounds me, society is homogenized and we are bred to feed this machine. I thirst for independent booksellers & family-owned bakeries, unique clothing boutiques & quirky secondhand shops.

Inspiration is harder to come by here. 
....Nevertheless I vow to live fully each moment, 
& to actively seek out these inspiring places

And that brings me to the #1 goal of this blog: 
To live fully the here and now. 

1 comment:

  1. I love it....you are an wonderful writer....plus being a great person to boot....
    love ya
